Let's all do our part on
November 3rd or before!
V O T E !

Recently I was searching online for a simple way to check my voter registration status. I landed at VOTE.ORG. The site had all the tools I needed so I could be ready to vote in this year’s presidential election.
While the links were certainly helpful. They offered code so folks like me could help get the word out and to make the resources available to all online.
The more exposure, the more potential voters. So the following links, made available by Vote.org are provided as a courtesy. Please use them and share them accordingly. Many Thanks!
Important: 2020 Census Matters!
Remember the United States Census is the key to funding that will Shape Your Future! Census data guide how more than $675 billion of federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year. Get counted - it's quick and easy (under 10 minutes).
https://my2020census.gov/PLEASE SHARE THIS PAGE